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Moxi Shorts Sew-Along: Day 1

Welcome to the first day of the Greenstyle Moxi Shorts Sew-Along!

If you’ve been following my blog for any length of time, you know that one of my favorite things to sew (and wear!) is activewear, so these shorts have been on my sew-along list for a while now, just waiting for the time to spread the moxi love!

How it works:

If you’re new to Sew-Alongs, here’s how they work:

I will be breaking the pattern steps into daily tasks, with one each day for the next 5 days. You can comment here, with questions, or on the daily posts inside the Sew Along Group– I’d love to see your progress each day!

Grab your pattern!

If you don’t yet own the pattern, you can buy it here. Use the code “moxiSAL” for 25% off both the main moxi shorts AND the Compression Add-on! If you’ve never downloaded or purchased a Greenstyle pattern, you can find a tutorial on how to do that here.

This Sew-Along is sponsored by the Fabric Fairy- you can get 10% off all her stretch wovens (find them here) with the code “moxie”.

The Schedule

Here’s a sneak peek at the schedule:

Day 1: Supplies, Fit, and Cutting Fabric (you are HERE)

Day 2: Side seams and inseam

Day 3: Bias Binding

Day 4: Waistband

Day 5: Hacks!

Each day, I’ll post a video and/or blog tutorial with that day’s tasks, and you can comment with any questions and your progress for that day, so we can all keep each other motivated.

At the end, I’ll be choosing winners for a FREE PATTERN from Greenstyle and a fabric credit to The Fabric Fairy based on the final entries.

Sound awesome? It is! (check out my other Sew Alongs HERE on the blog)

Today’s Tasks: Sizing, Options and Fabric

Ready to get started? Check out the video below, which will walk you through the steps of gathering your supplies, evaluating fitting changes, and cutting your fabric.

Also included in the video at the end are cutting instructions for the compression shorts (at time index 23:14) and briefs (at 32:15).

Adding an under-layer is not required for the moxi shorts, but I’ve added full video instructions for both this week in case you’re interested in trying them out. I also hear the compression shorts make a great stand-along short, so that’s always an option too!

Also shown in the video is a description of how I added height to the waistband to make it more like the high rise Super G leggings (look for that at 18:56)

If you’re looking for a tutorial on how to lengthen the Moxi Shorts, you can find one HERE

A blog post with some additional fitting suggestions can be found HERE

Bonus Tip: Finding the grainline on knits

That’s it! Don’t forget to post your progress photo for today in the Fabric Fairy Facebook group, and feel free to ask any questions there as well (or in the comments below). I can’t wait to see the awesome shorts that get created this week! Don’t forget to check back each day to see a new video tutorial/post, or subscribe HERE to get them delivered directly to your inbox.

If you enjoy these videos/tutorials, I encourage you to follow me on YouTube and Pinterest, to see them all in one spot!

Note: This post contains affiliate links, which help cover the cost of the caffeine I need to put on these videos. Ever wonder why I get a little chatty sometimes? Thanks for your support!

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