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Cavallo Tights SewAlong Day 5: Hemming

Welcome back to the Cavallo Tights SewAlong!

Every day this week, I will be walking you through the construction of the Greenstyle Cavallo Tights, through video tutorials, blog posts and support in the Fabric Fairy Facebook Group. I also have some prizes to offer at the end, and some BONUS video tutorials for using your coverstitch and serger.

If you need to purchase the pattern, you can do that here (aff link):

If you need fabric and supplies, you can get 10% off through 7/17/20 with the code “CavalloSAL” at the Fabric Fairy.You are also welcome to use stash fabric, if you prefer- my main priority is that you join in and have fun!

If you need to find a tutorial on how to assemble a Greenstyle pattern, you can find a tutorial for that here.

Sew-Along Schedule

Our schedule for the week is as follows:

Day 1: Supplies, Fittting, Options and Cutting Fabric (YouTube Channel is HERE)

Day 2: Patches & Pockets

Day 3: Sewing the Legs 

Day 4: Attaching Legs Together and Sewing the Waistband

Day 5: Hem and Catch Up (YOU ARE HERE)


Today we are finishing our pants up with a nice hem! I like to fold mine under and do a reverse coverstitch, but you can easily do a hem without a Coverstitch machine.

On a standard machine, remember that you may want to use a twin needle, or a walking foot, along with a stretch stitch, to keep your hem from getting wavy.

You can also hem with just your serger, if you have one!

HERE is a really cool video I found on doing a blind hem with your serger- I have a Coverstitch, but I kind of want to try this anyway!

Bonus Videos!

This week I shared a series of Bonus Videos, covering everything from threading your serger to fixing skipped stitches on your Coverstitch. You can find them all on my YouTube Channel HERE, as well as many other tutorials that might come in handy for your next project.

I also have other SewAlongs I’ve hosted on my Channel, including the:

Well, that’s a wrap for this SewAlong! I’ve loved getting to sew along with you this week, and appreciate you following along!

I’ll be giving you a couple days to finish things up, and then I’ll be giving away a prize- so be sure to post those makes in the Fabric Fairy Facebook Group if you’re following along in real time. If you’re checking this out later, you’re always welcome to tag me, ask questions, or comment here on my blog- I love seeing what you make!

No matter when you’re sewing your Cavallos, whether its your first pair or your tenth, make sure to give yourself a bit of credit for your hard work- you made a custom pair of pants that fit YOU, and that’s something to be proud of!

I’d also love it if you took the time to subscribe to my blog and my YouTube Channel– that way you’ll stay up on any new posts or videos, and I can connect with you on those platforms to answer any questions!

Note: This post contains affiliate links. I sew and share my tips for the joy of the craft, but a little extra affiliate encouragement goes a long way to helping fund these projects, so I really appreciate when you use them!


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