Day Dream Sew-Along: Pocket Hack

We are continuing with our SewAlong for the George and Ginger DayDream Dress over at The Fab Clique Fabric Shoppe. Some of us are already done, and some are just joining us- either way it’s fine! If you are still working, you’ll have the whole weekend to finish up before I choose a winner, so don’t worry- just make sure to post your final pics in the album when you get done, and of course share in the George and Ginger Pattern Group and the Fab Clique!

Today’s hack is inspired by #momlife- when I sewed up my first version, I loved it, but quickly realized it was missing a key element: pockets! Side seam pockets are an easy hack thta you can add to any pattern, to carry your keys, wallet, lip gloss, or whatever treasures your children find and beg you to carry for them (mental note: make more pants with pockets for the kids).

Are you ready? Okay, grab your pattern, your fabric and lets get started.

First, you’ll need to draw a pocket shape, grab one from another pattern, or download a free pocket piece.

Got it? OK, now its time to cut out your pockets. You’ll need two pairs: four pockets total. Make sure you have two sets of mirror images. If you fold your fabric in half, right sides together, and cut out two of the pocket shape, you’ll end up with exactly what you need. I like to have my pockets in the same fabric as the skirt, in case they peek through a bit.

Next, decide where you want your pockets to hit on the skirt/dress. If you’re doing the dress, they may hit a bit higher than if you’re doing the skirt hack (here). I decided I wanted mine four inches down from the top, Stick a pin in that spot on the front and back skirt pieces, or cut a small slit to mark it.

Now, with a 1/4″ seam allowance, sew or serge one pocket piece to the left and right side of the front and back skirt, right sides together. You may choose to understitch your seam allowance here, so they pockets don’t show- I skipped it since they were in my main fabric.

Lay your front and backs right sides together, and match up your pocket pieces. If you’ve marked your fabric correctly, they should end up in the same spot. Pin down the skirt starting from the top, around the pocket, and all the way down the sides. Sew or serge. I couldn’t get the whole skirt in this picture, since it was so long, but you can see how you are placing the front and back together here.

This is what you should end up with:

That’s it! Pretty simple right? You now have a dress or skirt with pockets to carry all the things!

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  1. lap patterson on April 14, 2017 at 8:22 pm

    awesome! ty

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